Understanding a client’s needs even if they don’t know it themselves is always important, this project was to acknowledge a single local business that held a terrible website or lacked one entirely. Using the business’s own goals and vision to create a new site that helps to promote and strengthen their brand, using HTML and CSS. 
I researched the small business, found information about their brand, choices, and history. I used this information to create and rework their brandmark into something much stronger than what they had originally, giving them a unique identity. After which, I developed sketches for the website, including site maps and wireframes.
Below is a series of images from he original site
The small business was struggling to create a web presence. Their original site was difficult to navigate. The brand was used very ineffectively, and the overall aesthetic made it seem antiquated. As such, I approached it in a way that brought out a more modern and casual look to the site. Using a new brandmark and color palette I created an online presence people could recognize. I connected these items to build themes, and created a unique look and style for the barbershop’s website. 
Taking a look at the original content and drawing out areas to address in a rework is fundamental to establish client needs. In this case the original landing page one such place to address as well as recreating their brand presence.

Below is my approach to the rebrand
To get a clearer idea on how this project developed, click this link to see my process journal:
Take me to Process Journal

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